Italian Jews
This Web Site was active until 2009 and is no longer updated. It now represents an archived site

Italian Jews

Rabbi (Rav, Elia Richetti) from Venice, Italy,
and lecturer, Francesco Spagnolo (behind)
at the Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel in Westwood,
for an IOHI program on the music of Italian Jews
(See:, past programs)

USC Shoah Foundation Institute
P.O. Box 3168
Los Angeles, CA 90078-3168
Tel: (818) 777-7802
See: COLLECTIONS, Archives: Local History & Culture, Italian Jews

Oral/visual histories of Italian Holocaust survivors, or survivors in Italy.

UCLA Oral History Program: Oral history of composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco (1895-1968)ís life, by Clara Castelnuovo-Tedesco, is found in the Archives of the UCLA Oral History Program; the transcript is in the Music Library (Call Number: ML410.C245 C24 1982)Music Library

Of related interest:

Italian Jewish Websites:

Jewish Community of Rome:

Jerusalem Italian Jews Association & the U. Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art:

Discovering Jewish Italy (online magazine):

Francesco Spagnolo
Head of Reaserch
Judah L. Magnes Museum
2911 Russell Street
Berkeley, CA 94705
Tel: (510) 549-6950

Scholar of Italian Jewish traditional music

Steve Siporin
Folklore Program
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322-3200
Tel: (801)750-2722

Scholar of Italian Jewish traditions

Italian Jews: Memory, Music, Celebration (IOHI Symposium & Festival, curated by Luisa del Giudice)October 24 ñ November 5, 2001), Multimedia recordings in the IOHI ñ Italian Oral History Institute Collection, UCLA Ethnomusicology Archive: 8 VHS Video Tapes, by videographer Meri Di Lorenzo Howard. (See: COLLECTIONS, Sound Recordings)

Luisa Del Giudice, introducing the panel on
Italian Jewish food (Judy Zeidler, Steve Siporin,
Evan Kleiman, Joyce Goldstein) at the Skirball
Center, during the IOHI multimedia festival/
conference, "Italian Jews: Music, Memory, Cele-
bration." See: (past programs)

Tape 1) Francesco Spagnolo, "Feeling Italian and Singing the Bible: National and Jewish Identity in the Music of the Italian Jews," (lecture), October 25, 2001, Tifereth Israel Sephardic Temple;
Tape 2) Rabbi (Rav) Elia Ricchetti "Music of the Italian Jews: Hazanut from Italian Tradition," (concert), October 25, 2001, Tifereth Israel Sephardic Temple;
Tape 3) Alessandro Portelli, On the Threshold of the Genocide: The Jews of Rome at the Vatican Border (lecture), 314 Royce Hall, UCLA Symposium, October 29, 2001;
Tape 4) Jessica Wiederhorn, Italian Jews: Segments of Testimony from the Shoah Foundation Visual History Archives (lecture) 314 Royce Hall, UCLA Symposium, October 29, 200;
Tape 5) Steve Siporin, The Jews of Pitigliano: A Minority in Folklore, Memory, and Monument (lecture), 314 Royce Hall, UCLA Symposium, October 29, 2001;
Tape 6) Guido Fink, Visible and Invisible Jews in the Italian Cinema (lecture), 314 Royce Hall, UCLA Symposium, October 29, 2001;
Tape 7) James Westby, Castelnuovo-Tedesco: An Italian Jew in Los Angeles (lecture), 314 Royce Hall, UCLA Symposium, October 29, 2001;
Tape 8) Paula Matthews-Leos: Judeo-Italian: Linguistic Challenge, Cultural Treasure; Ann Signet, Readings from Judeo-Roman Poet Crescenzo del Monteís Works: Sonetti Giudaico-Romaneschi, Nuovi Sonetti Giudaico-Romaneschi, Sonetti Postumi (in Roman dialect and in English translation), UCLA Symposium, October 29, 2001.