Locally-produced Italian magazines have come and gone over the years: La dolce vita, Together/Insieme, but today there are few we can call home-grown, and very few of any stature. Nationally or internationally produced Italian style, architecture, food, and living magazines, are readily available at most newstands. Further, magazines of national Italian organizations such as NIAF (National Italian American Foundation), Unico National, and OSIA (Order of Sons of Italy in America), provide their members with news and culture concerning Italian Americans. (See: CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS)
Il Corriere di Los Angeles
P.O. Box 9711
Glendale, CA 91226
Tel: (818) 260-9318
Fax: (818) 260-9621
(see MEDIA, Radio & TV: TeleItalia)
Southern California Italian Magazine (digital):
J. B. Griffen: jbgmg@charter.net
Southern California Network Club ñ based in Long Beach