c/o Villa Scalabrini
10631 Vinedale St.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Tel: (818) 767-3413
Fax: (818) 767-1410
Robert J. Barbera, Publisher: rjb@barberaproperties.com
Mario Trecco, Editor: trecco@italoamericano.com
A Bit of History: The only Italian newspaper on the West Coast, since 1908: L'Italo-Americano was founded in 1908 by Gabriello Spini, a learned Florentine, who wanted to "Inform, Unite and Assist" the rising Italian American community of Los Angeles. In 1924 Cleto Baroni, Spini's nephew, became Associate Editor, and in 1933 assumed sole ownership and editorial responsibility of L'Italo-Americano directing its destiny single-handedly for 38 years. In 1963 Gabriello Spini died at age 89.
Mr. Baroni, to ensure stability of service, sold L'Italo-Americano (1971) to The Fathers of St. Charles (Scalabrinians) and Fr. Mario Trecco became the new editor of the newspaper. [Ö] in 1980 L'Italo-Americano acquired L'Eco d'Italia of San Francisco and became the only Italian newspaper on the West Coast. Two years later, Cleto Baroni died at age 85, after 65 years of service to the newspaper.
In 1983 L'Italo-Americano celebrated its diamond jubilee and in1986
acquired a more modern look by going tabloid size. Trecco remained in charge
of L'Italo-Americano until 1990 when Fr. Augusto Feccia became its
new editor. [Ö] In 1998 Fr. Feccia relinquished the position of editor to Fr.
Ermete Nazzani. [Ö] The Fathers of Saint Charles in 1999 sold L'Italo-Americano to
Mr. Mario Trecco, who became its sole owner and director.
As of July 1, 2004 L'Italo-Americano became the property of L'Italo American Foundation, under the direction of Head Publisher Robert Barbera. Mario Trecco remains the editor of the newspaper.
(From: www.italoamericano.com "History")