Curatorial: Exhibitions
September 29th, 2009 Posted in | No Comments »Luisa Del Giudice’s Multi-Sensorial Collection of Italian Artifacts, GALLERY OF FOLKLORE & POPULAR CULTURE, May 15-June 15, 2021
Communal Tables: Practicing Hosptilality and Sustainability (St. Joseph’s Altar, food drive, and communal meal for over 500, St. Lawrence of Brindisi Church, Watts), March 18-20.
“Committee for Simon Rodia’s Towers in Watts: UCLA Special Collection No. 1388” (Part of Watts Towers Common Ground Initiative), co-curated by Luisa Del Giudice and Susan Anderson, UCLA Special Collections, Young Research Library, Powell Library Rotunda, UCLA, October 18 – December 10, 2010.
Alan Lomax in the Salento: Ethnographic Photographs from the 1950s, curated by Luisa Del Giudice and Goffredo Plastino (part of IOHI multimedia festival: Italian Los Angeles: Celebrating Italian Life, Local History, and the Arts in Southern California, Oct-Nov, 2005); see also Publications. IOHI Program.
St. Joseph’s Day Table, co-curated with Virginia Buscemi Carlson, UCLA at the Armand Hammer Museum and Cultural Center, March 18-19, 1998. Program of the Italian Oral History Project.
Ballads and Boundaries: Narrative Singing in an Intercultural Context, Exhibits in honor of D.K. Wilgus, curated by L. Del Giudice and Norm Cohen (1) Ballads and Folksong (University Research Library), June 1-30, (2) 18th – 19th-Century Broadsides, Chapbooks and Songsters from Special Collections (Dept. of Special Collections, URL), June 18-Sept. 4, (3) Ballads: 17th – 19th-Century Materials from the William Andrews Clark Library (Clark Library), June 14-Aug. 30, 1993.