Invited Lectures
September 28th, 2009 Posted in | No Comments »Food and Ritual Performance: St. Joseph’s Tables Feeding the Poor of Los Angeles, at the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles, September 16, 2020:
“Sabato Rodia’s Extraordinary Towers in Watts,” Italian Cultural Center, San Diego, April 18, 2013
“Living Memory, Embodied Ancestors: Practicing Ethnography in the Italian Diaspora,” Dept. of Italian, Univ. of Toronto, March 14, 2013; Folklore Dept., University of Oregon, April 4, 2013
“The Watts Towers Common Ground Initiative: Art, Migrations, Community,” Department of Anthropology, California State University, Northridge, April 19, 2012.
“Orality, Migration, and Memory,” Giornata di Studi, Italian Identities, Minorities, Literatures, University of Notre Dame, March 23, 2012.
“Oral History, Oral Culture and Italian Americans,” Graziadio Chair in Italian Studies, California State University, Long Beach, February 22, 2012.
“Sabato Rodia’s Towers in Watts,” Watts Towers Arts Center (for the Italian program, San Diego State University), November 19, 2011.
“St. Joseph’s Day Tables: Welcoming the Stranger, Practicing Hospitality; Rituals of Charity and Abundance,” University of Malta, May 11, 2011.
“Speaking Memory: Oral Culture and Italian Americans,” Boston University, April 6, 2011.
“Sicilia: Cultura del Mare” (Nov. 29, 2007) ; “Sicilia: Cultura del Pane”, Dec. 3, 2007, UCLA.
“Mountains of Cheese, Rivers of Wine: Paesi di Cuccagna and Other Gastronomic Utopias,” The Frank Iacobucci Centre for Italian Canadian Studies, University of Toronto, October 24, 2007.
“Italian Traditional Music: What For?” The Mariano A. Elia Chair in Italian Canadian Studies, York University & l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Toronto, Canada, January 24, 2007.
“St. Joseph’s Day Tables and Feeding the Poor in Los Angeles,” Art and Ritual Lecture Series, UCLA Department of Art, Winter 2005; All Saints Church, Pasadena (Women’s Council, Sunday, March 5, 2005; Culinary Historians of Southern California, Taper Auditorium, Los Angeles Public Library, March 13, 2004; Conference on Poverty, Claremont Graduate University, Spring 2000.
Series of lectures for the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, University of Ljubljana (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology), and Scientific Research Center (Historical Seminar), Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 19 – 23, 2004.
“Italian Los Angeles: Creating Virtual Community,” Historic Italian Hall, El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Monument, 2004.
“Oral History Research: Why Listen?” Rediscovering Local Italian History (A Seminar on Oral History and a Tour of San Pedro), California State Univ., Long Beach, Nov. 1, 2003.
“Mountains of Cheese, Rivers of Wine: Paesi di Cuccagna and Other Gastronomic Utopias,” John Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens University, May 7, 2002.
“Food and Ritual Performance in the Sicilian American St. Joseph’s Feast,” Women and Food, Women’s Studies Conference, The Huntington Library, Nov. 23, 2002.
Introduction to Symposium: Organic Wine: Production, Marketing, Consumption, IOWE – International Organic Wine Expo, New York, May 8, 2002.
Introduction to “The Art of Winemaking” Exhibition, Craft and Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles, October 4, 2001.
“Healing the Spider’s ‘Bite’: Tarantismo and Neo-Tarantismo in the Salento,” Dept. of Anthropology, California State University, Northridge, April 15, 1999.
“Healing the Spider’s ‘Bite’: Tarantismo and Neo-Tarantismo in the Salento (Apulia);” “Folksong Advocacy: What For?” Fife Folklore Conference (Folksong and Folk Music), Utah State University, 1999.
“Healing the Spider’s ‘Bite’: Tarantismo and Neo-Tarantismo in the Salento (Apulia),” American Museum of Natural History, New York, December 5, 6, 1998
“Tarantismo, Neo-Tarantismo and Folk Revival in the Salento,” in Essential Salento: Festival of Salentine Culture, Italian Cultural Institute, Los Angeles, October 18-23, 1998. See Public Programs.
“Italian Folklife in California: Continuity of Tradition,” Italian Migration in the United States (Honoring the Beatification of Bishop Giovanni Battista Scalabrini), Los Angeles, Ist. It. di Cultura, February 7, 1998.
“Joseph Among the Angeles: St. Joseph’s Day Tables and Feeding the Poor in Los Angeles,” UCLA Armand Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, March, 1997. See Public Programs.
“St. Joseph’s Day Tables in Los Angeles,” Living Roots ’97: A National Folk & Traditional Arts Conference, Los Angeles, April 11-12, 1997.
“Italian Musical Roots and Folksong Revival,” Immigrant Cultures and the Performing Arts, University of Minnesota, March 28-30, 1996.
“Costantino Nigra: Le chant populaire, la politique régionaliste et nationale,” La Bretagne et la découverte de la littérature orale en Europe, Quimperlé, France, May 30-31, 1995.
“Italian Traditional Song,” Patrons of Italian Culture, Beverly Hills, March 12, 1989 and at Casa Italiana, UCLA; Italian Folk Art Federation of America (Pittsburgh 1995).
Series of lectures for special program: “Italian Journeys,” University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1995.
“Mapping Italians in Los Angeles,” Lingua e Cultura Regionale nell’Insegnamento dell’Italiano all’Estero (International symposium), Italian Cultural Institute, Los Angles, November 15, 1995.
“Toronto’s Archvillas: Dreamscapes and Archetypes,” Lingua e Cultura Regionale nell’Insegnamento dell’Italiano all’Estero (International symposium), Italian Cultural Institute, Toronto, November 18, 1995.
“Toronto’s Archvillas: Dreamscapes and Archetypes,” May 12, 1993, Folklore and Mythology Program, UCLA.
“Paesi di Cuccagna: Inhabiting the Italian Dreamscape in America,” Museo ItaloAmericano, San Francisco, September 21, 1994.
“Il carnevale di Ivrea,” seminar in Bologna, Italy, December 1988 for Alessandro Falassi’s ExpertItalia series on Festivals in Italy.